Insights 5.21


Insights 5.21



Building Things: 






Machines for Moving:  


Material Culture:  

  • Helen Rosner on the viral social media stunt of a restaurant selling gold-covered chicken wings, and the ancient appeal of conspicuous consumption, once reserved for royals, now open to your every day finance bro or micro-influencer. Eating gold is obviously on the extreme end of the consumption broadcasting spectrum, but relates to more common forms like only ever sporting spotless sneakers: an indicator that one has the ability to easily consume far and above what is utilitarian, through a materialistic embrace that implies a possible transcending of our world of flesh and dust.




More next week. 


Insights 5.12


Insights 5.12



Building Things: 



  • A look at what product-market fit wayfinding looks like in a robotics startup. We've worked with a number of robotics startups over the years, for both consumer and industrial applications. In some ways, industrial robots resemble appliances: they are given particular controlled contexts, and very specific jobs to do. Consumer robots on the other hand, operate with the expectation of being able to handle a weirder, wider array of scenarios and spaces, all without skilled technicians to set them up or maintain them. Add to that the pricing pressures on consumer products, and the opportunity space shrinks down to a tiny sliver. To succeed within that sliver is very nearly a magic trick, requiring shrewd engineering, brilliant marketing, thoughtful design, and as with all things, a good deal of timing and luck. 
  • Grasping is among the technical hurdles preventing more useful robots from entering complex and constantly changing environments like the home, though the field is progressing quickly towards greater gripping capabilities and comprehensive modeling of how objects exist and move in the world. For now, the costs of the combined vision, computing, and mechanical grasping systems are above the consumer level threshold, instead serving industries like warehouse fulfillment and food packing. 
  • An article from the Boston Globe on the freshly made meal food-vending startup Spyce. The author writes of "robots making meals" though that's a vast overstatement of what is really happening. Such linguistic simplification on behalf of eager technologists isn't just inaccurate, it's an act of erasure for the real, very human labor toiling behind the curtain. In the case of Spyce, the food is picked, cleaned, sorted, and cut by human hands before it reaches the automated hoppers that then combine, heat, and dispense. Put into a more complete context, the robots are not so magical. The smoke-and-mirrors show here resembles the broader branding mirage common to top-tier restaurants and tech companies alike: one or more prominent (usually white, usually male, usually affluent) individuals act as the public-facing symbol of bold, brand new innovation while behind the scenes the products (whether gourmet meals or slick smartphones) are only possible because of the many skilled hands (often of color, often female, often underpaid) performing the substance of the work itself. 


Roadmapping the Future:  


Upgrading Ourselves:  


More next week. 


Insights 4.29


Insights 4.29


  • Snap Inc is putting out their 2nd generation of camera glasses, Spectacles. The first model was maligned by critics who pointed to the stories excess inventory as a sign that it was indeed a massive design failure. We disagreed with that perspective, citing some well-informed design choices that many wearable tech companies misunderstood. It looks like Snap itself is still bullish on the Spectacles product, with plans for a broader (and more traditional) marketing campaign this time around. The design has also been toned down a bit, with the contrasting bright yellow ring around the camera being replaced with tones closer to the color of the frame.





  • Direct to consumer e-commerce makes acquiring goods easier than ever, but little has been done to deal with the end of a product's life. Mattresses are among the most voluminous objects consumers regularly acquire via the internet, yet few options for responsible processing exist: "From 2015 to 2017, those three states recycled about 1 million mattresses. That’s an impressive 11 million cubic feet of landfill space saved, but it’s only 5 percent of the 20 million mattresses tossed out every year." 


Building Things: 


More next week. 
