
  • Many "smart home" technologies are a minefield for users in their relationships to each other and their living spaces. The technology piece is there, but much of what's been developed fails the social side and requires more technology literacy than the average person knows, or wants to know about. 
  • Speaking of technology literacy, Buzzfeed nails the tech product review for the latest iPhone by (surprise) writing the review from the perspective and use cases of a real person. It presents the product in the context of our lives, not the other way around. It still covers the nitty gritty product differences, but in a way that shows why we should or shouldn't care. More of this please. 
  • Formlabs unveiled their latest 3D printer this past week, the Form 2. It's a big step forward in the ease of use and reliability of desktop digital fabrication tools, and a raising of the bar on what user expectations for more affordable machines will be going forward. 
  • Cloud based solid modeling software got a big boost this week, with OnShape announcing collecting $80M from investors. We have some mixed views on CAD modeling moving to cloud completely, but it's certainly a trend that finally has some real traction.


Roadmapping the Future: 


Machines for Moving: 


Bias and Brains: 
